We Believe In

Home - We Believe In
  1. I) Triune Godhead ‘God the Father *God the Son *God the holy Ghost

Il) God manifested himself in the human form with a view to saving what was lost.

llI) Jesus virgin birth his sinless life, his work and teachings

  1. IV) Jesus crucifixion. Resurrection. Ascension and siting on the right hand of God the father.
  2. V) Salvation from sin, sickness and the judgement.
  3. VI) Delivarance from the power of Satan.

VII) New birth *Conviction of sins *Repentance from dead works *Confession of Sins. Christ as the Lord. *Reconcillation with God and men. “Restitution *Justification * Sanctification

VIll) Water Baptism.

  1. IX) Baptism in the Holy spirit.

X)Separation from the world.

  1. XI) Sanctification *Through the blood *Through the Word *Through the Holy Spirit.

XIl) Gifts of the Holy Ghost, fruit of the Spirit.

XIIl) Overcoming life.

XIV) Consecrated Ministry Fivefold Ministry

  1. XV) Prefection.

XVI) Second Coming. *The Secret coming for the church *”Open coming to judge the world

XVIl) Tribulations – Great Tribulation.

XVIll) The First Resurrection. *New Testament Church *The Tribulation Martyrs. *Two Witness *Old Testment Saints.

XIX) The Millennumal Reign.

  1. XX) Second Resurrection of the Unsaved.

XXII) The Great White Throne Judgement.

XXI) Eternity.