The Blessing Ministries adopted the following modus operandi for catering to the spiritual needs of the
people, irrespective of their caste, colour and creed on obedience to the Great commission in the Holy
Writ (Matt 28: 19-20)
The Gospel of Christ will be proclaimed in the unreached areas as follows:
- By conducting healing and Gospel Crusades
- Through Film ministry
- By Distributing tracks and handouts
- Through personal evangelism
New Churches in Villages, towns and cities will be established by
- Enabling the unlettered to read the bible through the adult education programs.
- Training and equipping missionaries to work for the Lord in different parts of the Indian Sub
continent .
- Discipleship Training Camps will be conducted from time to time with a view to discipling new
believers in order that they might win souls for Christ.
The new believers will be discipled
- By teaching through Bible correspondence courses.
- Through weekly Bible studies.
- Through supply of books and tapes.
- By conducting seminars.
Apart from the above ministering to the children will be follows
- Through Sunday School Programs.
- By opening clubs for the kids.
- By conducting camps, vacation Bible schools etc.
- By establishing Orphanages and homes for the aged.
- By disseminating the teachings of Christ through audio and video ministry.